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Most of my work has a social relevance, a link with science and/or nature.


Today the world is one big village with many different neighborhoods. Never before we were with so many in this world and had so many possibilities to communicate. Still we are not living together but next to each other. All obsessed with “planet EGO”. We are all born underneath a thick blanket of culture. This you only realize when you embed yourself deep in other cultures and confront yourself with your preconceptions. People are full of preconceptions about other people, groups, cultures, religions, … . Everyone takes him/herself as vantage-point, just as if they are the center of it all. Nobody is free of preconceptions and those who claim to be are good liars or very naive. Personally I get triggered by things, people and actions that change and/or enlarge my view. The ability to doubt and question every form, every image, every opinion. A human doesn't remain the same during the time of his/her life. I like it when everything I think I know for sure is twisted upside down. This gives me the feeling I'm alive. It provokes the search for a new identity, new structures and the connections underneath.


Structures are an important part of how we as human beings experience and approach the world around us. Where no structure seems to be present, we describe it as chaos. That what to us seems like chaos still contains latent structures. From the scientific point of view, you can say that both, most small observable elements as the entire universe and everything in between, hold the same kind of latent structures.


As humans we try to control all that is around us by putting everything into separate frames so we can observe every part on its own. By breaking down reality in those building blocks we are capable to create logic thinking structures in order to only have to focus on what seems to be of interest to give us a feeling of control and identity. Still every individual cell has interaction with the others so by observing one cell on its own we can change the interpretation and working mechanisms of the other cells.


The way we build modern society and government is by keep observing the individual building blocks and putting them into a new and for us more understandable logical structure. Nevertheless we forget at that moment that one cell has invisible links to the other cells. By putting them into a different place we mix up those connection lines. Not only this mix-up makes problems occur cause we don't see the links underneath no more but also by putting the parts in different position we create new links and change the perception of all individual cells in contrast with each other.


In the end all links (old and new) are so entangled with each other and nothing seems to work no more within the surfacing structure. The problems are in our interpretation of reality rather then caused by chance or chaos. Old structures need to be broken in order for new to be possible to occur.


Avant garde - En garde - Qui vive?

© Javabe. visual artist


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